Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

The definition of Tree Diagram

Tree diagram a chart that begins with one central item and then branches into more and keeps branching until the line of inquiry begun with the central item is exhausted. The tree diagram, with its branching steps, motivates you to move from general to specific a systematic way. And also, tree diagram is one of media involved in visual aids.
Tree Diagram is one of the tools used to distribute large categories into smaller level or detailed. As the shaped like a tree diagram with a trunk branch that branched two or more. Likewise with a problem that we want to consider using a tree diagram, which consists of one class or large items which were distributed into two or more branches more detailed. It can help us to simplify a complex problem or easier for us to get a picture on a problem that we face.
Ø  When to Use a Tree Diagram:
·         When an issue is known or being addressed in broad generalities and you must move to specific details, such as when developing logical steps to achieve an objective.
·         When developing actions to carry out a solution or other plan.
·         When analyzing processes in detail.
·         When probing for the root cause of a problem.
·         When evaluating implementation issues for several potential solutions.
·         After an affinity diagram or relations diagram has uncovered key issues.
·         As a communication tool, to explain details to others.

Ø  Tree Diagram Example
Tree Diagram Example

The Effective strategies for teaching science vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the essential language components in studying English. If people have less vocabulary, they not only cannot understand others saying, but also cannot make sentences to transfer their messages to the other people. Thus, they will understand English expressions if they have enough vocabularies. Vocabulary is needed to improve our language skills. Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. When we just learn about grammar without learning vocabulary, we cannot express anything. Because of that learning vocabulary is very important to improve our language skill. If we spend most of our time studying grammar, our English will not improve very much. we will see most improvement, if we learn more words and expressions. We can say very little with grammar, but we can say almost anything with words. Without vocabulary, no one know what have to say. People need and use vocabulary to communicate in first language. Therefore, we also need vocabulary to learn a new language as foreign language that is English. It is very important to learn English vocabulary in order to be able to master the language. Vocabulary is important aspect in our life. Everyday we name objects, an event, and express our feeling using words.
Ø    The strategies for teaching science vocabulary:
1. Time to talk
It is important to promote students’ dialogue as they have instructional conversations. We need to provide students with opportunities to use their colloquial language and translate back and forth with scientific and technical terms.
2. Giving instructions
We can support students’ information processing by supplementing auditory information with visual clues. When we can provide students with multi-sensory experiences observing and communicating, it helps all students, especially emerging readers and English language learners.
3. Reading science text cards                                                   
Text cards help students interact with words and their meanings. Teachers can create science text cards by writing statements about science concepts on index cards. Working individually or in small groups, students discuss the statements before sorting.
4. Word lists/ word banks
Students can look at the written words as teachers use them during class discussions, and teachers should encourage students to use the language of science in their verbal and written communication.
5. Word games
Traditional games can be adapted to help students experience the language of science. For advanced students, making their own games using science vocabulary promotes in-depth understanding of words and their meanings.
6. Word parts
Teachers can reinforce the structure of words as students identify and interpret prefix, suffix, base word and their meanings:
·         photosynthesis 
·    metamorphosis 
7. Multiple meaning words
Words with multiple meanings can be confusing for students proficient in English and are especially troublesome for English language learners. It is important to discuss these meanings with students. When we confuse common definitions with meanings used in science, students’ understanding suffers.
8. Graphic organizers
When students interact with science words in multiple ways, they are able to approach words and their meanings more fully. Graphic organizers can help to present words with a range of contextual information.